Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment

The Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment (ICBM) is an interdisciplinary Institute at the University of Oldenburg with locations in Oldenburg and Wilhelmshaven. It is the only university institute in Lower Saxony that covers broad areas of marine sciences, both in research and in teaching. Currently,  26 working groups of various scientific disciplines - including biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and engineering - belong to the institute. ICBM operates the coastal observatory Spiekeroog and is the home institute of the research vessel SONNE.


Marine Science Forschung

Marine bacteria team up to produce a vital vitamin

Two species of marine bacteria from the North Sea have established an unusual and sometimes destructive relationship to produce the important vitamin…

Celebrating winning the Science Slam with Dr Markus Prinz: Nathalie Kürten (IfV), co-host of the evening; Dr Maren Bertheau (UOL); Dr Rufina Fingerhut; Dr Matthias Weissensteiner (IfV); Jenny Neuhaus (DZMB, Senckenberg am Meer); the prize winner (ICBM); Dominik Antoni (AWI); Lennart Barke (Wadden Sea Visitor Centre, gave a talk on science out of competition); Justine Bertram (IfV) and Dr Moritz Mennenga (NIhK, Managing Director NWDUG) [Photos: S. Riexinger].
Marine Science Personalia

Markus Prinz wins Wilhelmshaven Science Slam

Landscape ecologist Dr Markus Prinz is the winner of the latest Wilhelmshaven Science Slam, which took place yesterday at the Pumpwerk cultural…

The researchers were able to reconstruct the three-dimensional shape of the chloroplast of the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum cordatum from several hundred cross-sectional images. It takes up around 40 per cent of the cell volume. Image: University of Oldenburg / WG General and Molecular Microbiology
Marine Science Forschung

Microalgae with unusual cell biology

What are the molecular processes in a unicellular marine algae species that can cause harmful algal blooms? A research team led by microbiologist…

The question of how animals manage to navigate over long distances has long been a subject of research at the University of Oldenburg. The university has now been given the go-ahead to submit an application for a Cluster of Excellence on this topic. istock / AGD Beukhof
Marine Science Forschung

University of Oldenburg competes for three Clusters of Excellence

The university was successful in the preliminary decision of the excellence competition with a proposal on animal navigation. The existing clusters in…



News from DAM

Pilot missions of the DAM to study impact of bottom trawling on marine protected areas in the North Sea and Baltic Sea


ICBM Time Series Station


(Changed: 19 Jan 2024)  | 
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